In this tutorial, you will learn how to enroll a single student or change a student's class.
This will be utilized for walk-in students (newly enrolled kid mid-year) after schedules are completed, or when you want to go-back and adjust a student's schedule due to specific needs such as small group placements, etc.
Please note that this is also covered in Part 3 of the scheduling training video
Enroll a student into a class
- Search for and select a student
- On the left navigation bar, click Modify Schedule
- Make sure the Effective Enrollment Date is set to the correct date for the student's start date in the class
- This should either be the day the student starts school or the day AFTER the exit date from their previous sections, if you are changing the student's classes mid-year
- You can use the Quick Enroll box to enter the course number and section number separated by a period if you have those two pieces of information.
- You can also search for a class by using the Search Available Classes box by setting the Period to All and click Find
- Notice that the classes you selected appear on the page—double check the Enroll and Leave dates.
Drop a student from a class
- Search for and select a student
- On the left navigation bar, click Modify Schedule
- Click the checkbox in the Drop column to the right of the class you are removing from the student's schedule
- Click Drop Selected
- On the next screen, please make sure that the Exit Date is set to the day AFTER the final day that the student attended the class and the day BEFORE the entry date for the student's new section
- For example: If a student's last day in a class is September 17, 2019, the Exit Date should be set to September 18, and the entry date for the student's new section should be September 19
- It is extremely important that these dates are accurate with no gaps or overlaps!
- Click Drop Classes
Important notes on dropping students:
- If you are dropping a student from their homeroom: Please note that this cannot be done retroactively for homeroom sections. If you neglect to move a student out of an old homeroom in a timely fashion, you will have to put in a Data ticket. It is MUCH easier to set these dates a few days in the future than to go back and change it after the fact!
- If you are DELETING the student's section enrollment: If you are removing a student from a class that they never attended and should not have been enrolled in, set the Exit Date to the first day of August of the current school year (ie. for the 2019-2020 school year, set to August 1, 2019). This will delete any record of the incorrect enrollment.
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