This dashboard shows data from observations entered into SchoolMint Grow, including performance management, walkthroughs, and O3s.
For additional information on Performance Management processes and policies, including a month by month guide for leadership teams, check out the Performance Management Leader Launch Site.
Quick Links
- Direct link to the tool
What metrics does this dashboard display? How can the data be filtered?
- What actions should be taken using this tool?
What questions does this dashboard answer?
- Home tab: Definitions for some key terms and calculations, and navigation buttons to the other tabs.
- Walkthroughs tab: What is the completion rate for Walkthrough observations each week, and what are the average scores? Who are the top ten and bottom ten teachers? Which teachers are meeting the monthly goal?
- Walkthrough Details tab: A familiar layout for those who have used NJ Google Sheet roll-up tools in the past. Displays average overall and indicator scores by grade, department, coach, and individual.
- Walkthrough Trends tab: A new experience leveraging time series data in SchoolMint Grow. Change the axes to compare different groups over different periods of time.
- Microgoals tab: Which teachers have a microgoal assigned for the week, and what is it? How many teachers are assigned to a certain microgoal?
- O3s tab: Which teachers have had an O3 in this time period? What were the Glows and Grows and the comments in each O3?
- Performance Management tab: How can I track completion at my school or region?
Who is this dashboard for, and who can access it?
- Teacher Coaches
- School-based leaders (School Leaders and Assistant School Leaders)
- Regional and network leaders
- Network operations and support teams
Data Access
- Coaches can see the teachers they manage in ADP.
- School Leaders and Assistant School Leaders can see completion, aggregated and individual data for teachers at their schools.
- Regional users can see aggregated and individual-level data for their regions only (eg. a Head of Schools at a Newark school can only see data for teachers in Newark schools)
- KTAF users in certain roles (Human Resources, Employee Relations, Teaching and Learning, etc.) can see individual data for all teachers.
Where does the data come from, and how often is it updated?
Data Sources
- Scores and comments entered in the Coach ETR and Reflection, Walkthrough, and O3 forms in SchoolMint Grow.
- Demographic (location, department, grade, job title) data from the KTAF data warehouse.
Refresh Schedule
- Twice Daily: Data in by 2pm refreshes on the dashboard by 2:45pm. Data entered after 2pm refreshes overnight by 5:30am.
- Forms must be finalized and published in SchoolMint Grow before the time cut off to be visible in the next refresh.
What metrics does this dashboard display? How can the data be filtered?
- Avg. School Scores: The weighted (80% ETR and 20% Self and Others) score average per school. Use the plus sign by the school name to drill down to coach/observer.
- Individual Overall Scores and Drilldown Scores: An individual teacher's weighted average, and their scores on each metric.
- Comments: Comments entered on both the Self and Coach forms.
- Top 10/Bottom 10: A ranking of overall average scores by teacher.
- Walkthrough Scores: Rows score the average score by teachers in that category. Grand total is the sum of all average scores. These are calculated differently to reflect goals of meeting a certain number of indicators rather than an average score per school/individual.
- Completion: Has a form been finalized and published for this performance management round or Walkthrough/O3 week?
- Entity: Filter by Newark, Camden, or Miami
- School: Filter by one or multiple schools
- HOS: Filter by Head of Schools responsible for that group of schools.
- Teammate: Filter by individual teacher receiving a score.
- Observer Name: Filter by coach (typically for norming purposes).
- PM Term: Filter by BOY/MOY/EOY performance management round or by week for Walkthroughs and O3s
What visualizations are available, and what do they show?
Main Tabs (Walkthroughs, Performance Management, O3): Completion Tracking and Observation Scores
Displays percentage of teachers with observations compared to total active teachers for the time period, as well as a listing of top and bottom average scores and other overall metrics.
Details Tabs
Averages scores averaged across the observation and by individual indicator by grade, department, coach and individual teacher.
Trends tabs
Change the axes to compare groups and teammates over time, by overall score with a drilldown to indicators.
What actions should be taken using this tool?
For Heads of School
Step 1: Track completion of ‘Coach and Self Reflection ETR’ forms
- When: during the ETR entry window
- Go to: Grow Dashboard > Performance Management
- Use it to: filter by schools, HOS or Manager and view individual roster of who has completed EOY forms
- Take action: monitor completion rates at schools
Step 2: Track ETR, S&O and Overall Tier scores to support norming
- When: during the ETR entry window and norming process
- Go to: Grow Dashboard > Performance Management
- Use it to: view overall tier, ETR bucket and S&O scores from different rounds across schools and individuals
- Take action: Monitor score entry during entry window and for norming
Step 3: Analyze overall score trends from BOY to EOY terms for schools and individuals
- When: during norming process
- Go to: Grow Dashboard > Trends
- Use it to: filter by school and individual to view changes to score term by term
- Take action: Monitor growth/declines in scores from previous round to assist norming
Step 4: Follow up with potential outlier scores from managers
- When: during norming process
- Go to: Grow Dashboard > PulseChecker (read Help Guide first)
- Use it to: view managers who have been identified as entering potential outlier scores
- Take action: Review help guide, then use during norming process to review and follow up with potential outlier scores/managers
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