This dashboard shows data from observations entered into the Teacher Development App by members of the Teacher Development Team and NTN Coordinators on campuses.
Quick Links
What questions does this dashboard answer?
- Heat Map tab: Which Microgoals are the focus for the month? What Microgoals are most noted as areas of evidence or opportunity?
- Snapshots tab: By individual teacher, which Microgoals were noted as areas of evidence or opportunity?
- Details tab: By individual teacher, what are the observer's notes and which Microgoal was noted as an area of Growth?
Who is this dashboard for, and who can access it?
- The Teacher Development Team and NTN Coordinators
- School-based leaders (School Leaders and Assistant School Leaders)
- Regional and network leaders
Data Access
- The Teacher Development Team and network leaders can see observations at all schools.
- School Leaders, Assistant School Leaders, and NTN Coordinators can see data for folks on their campuses.
- Regional users can see aggregated and individual-level data for their regions only (eg. a Head of Schools at a Newark school can only see data for teachers in Newark schools).
Where does the data come from, and how often is it updated?
Data Sources
- Observation data entered in the Teacher Development App.
Refresh Schedule
- Live (with a few minute delay and page refresh on the Tableau).
- Entries must be synced in the app to show up in Tableau.
What metrics does this dashboard display? How can the data be filtered?
Metrics and Visualizations
Evidence and Opportunities: The number of times that when a Microgoal was observed, it was noted as 'Evidence' (this also includes 'Strong Evidence') or 'Opportunity'. Note that this is different from the number of teachers that have been observed, a teacher may be observed multiple times by multiple observers.
Evidence Column% = of the times this MG was observed, this is how often it was an E or S.(#) = the number of times it was marked as E or S.
Opportunities Column% = of the times this MG was observed, this is how often it was an O or G.(#) = the number of times it was marked O or G.
Warmer colors = higher raw number of observations. An MG with a warm color in the Opportunities column means that more folks scored an O or a G in that category and it might be a good target for PD.
- Legal Entity Name: Filter by Newark, Camden, or Miami
- Primary Site: Filter by one or multiple schools
- Name: Filter by Teacher Name
- Observation Type: Filter by TIR or New Lead observations.
- Team: Filter by observations done by the Teacher Development Team or NTN Coordinators.
- Subject: Filter by what was being taught during the observation.
- Date: Filter by the date (or week or month) of observations.
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