While IEP status and classification is automatically updated in PowerSchool through EasyIEP, 504 plans need to be manually maintained in PowerSchool. Whenever a student is given a 504 or is declassified, please follow the steps below [video of the entire process]. Please note that this process only applies to Newark and Camden schools.
- Log into PowerSchool Administrator for your region
- Search for the student whose 504 information you are updating
- After selecting that student, click on Custom Screens > 2_Special Education
- If the student is being given a 504 plan, click the checkbox in the "Has 504 Plan?" row
- Also check the Has 504 Plan? (Please also check this box) box
- If the student is being declassified, un-check those boxes
- Click "Submit" to save changes
- PowerSchool designations will update right away and DeansList designations will update the next day
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