DeansList has the ability to send emails to users in a variety of forms. It does this through a feature called “workflows” that can be managed inside the configuration settings of individual lists.
*A user must have Admin level access in DeansList to create a workflow. Please reach out to your DSO if you need your user access level updated (more information)
To create, delete, or alter an email workflow for a list:
- Start by going to Admin > Lists & Workflows
- Click on the name of the list you want to edit
- Click on the tab labeled Workflows
- To edit the recipients of an existing workflow, click Remove next to recipients you would like to remove. Click “Add Recipient” after entering email information for anyone you wish to add
- To add additional email workflow types to a list, use the Add New Workflow button on the top right - a description of the various email workflows and what they do can be found at the bottom of this guide
- To completely cancel an email workflow, click Delete next to the workflow schedule
- To create a new schedule, click the Add to Schedule button
Below is a list of commonly used email workflow types:
Email Full List to Specific Addresses: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to specific people. Enter the name of the recipient in the first box and their email address in the second box. This will show up on the workflow page as "E-mail List"
Email Full List to All Users: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to all users. This will show up on the workflow page as "E-mail List to All Users"
Send Advisor Alerts: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to the Advisors of these students. In order for this to function properly, there need to be rosters that are designated as "Advising." This will show up on the workflow page as "Alert Advisors"
Send Homeroom Teacher Alerts: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to the Homeroom teachers of these students. In order for this to function properly, there need to be rosters that are designated as "Homeroom". This will show up on the workflow page as "Alert HRTs"
Send Grade-Level Roster Alerts: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to all teachers who are on the grade - level roster. In order for this to function properly, teachers need to select the appropriate grade-level rosters under Edit my Rosters. This will show up on the workflow page as "Alert Grade Level Rosters"
Send Teacher-Specific Alerts: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to all teachers who have one of these students on their roster(s). This will show up on the workflow page as "Alert Eds"
Send Alerts to Contributing Users: This sends an email with the name of the students who were on the list to all teachers who recorded behaviors/criteria that put the student on the list. This will show up on the workflow page as "Contributing Users"
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