To submit a Vacation request, login to ADP and go to Myself > Workforce Management > Dashboard or click the Time Management System icon under Quick Links on your homepage.
Your starting Vacation balance for the year is 80 hours, equivalent to 10 days. You can request vacation time in half or full day requests only.
Half day request = 4 hours
Full day request = 8 hours
To submit full day requests:
- On your ADP Workforce Management homepage, click into the Reason field on the My Time Off dropdown > select Vacation
- The number listed next to Vacation is how many days you have available to request off
- You will receive an error message if you request more days than what you have available
- Select the date(s)
- Do not include weekends in your requests
- Click Apply
- Click Submit
To submit a half day request:
- Go to the My Time Off tile > click Advanced Options
- Select the day you are requesting time off for
- Click Apply
- Under Daily Amount > select Hours
- Enter the start + end time for your request
- Your start and end time needs to equal 4 hours. As an example, if you are requesting a half day for doctor's appointment, enter 730AM as the Start hours and 1130AM as the End hours
- Select Vacation
- The number listed next to Vacation is how many days you have available to request off
- You will receive an error message if you request more hours than what you have available
- Click Submit
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